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【Music】Her Morning Elegance 夢遊人間

楊阿魚 = 水藍色透明鯨魚 於 2009年12月2日 星期三 晚上11:45 發表

Oren Lavie所寫的這首《Her Morning Elegance》,以一張雙人床為舞台,表現做夢的一些夢境情境,彷彿可以床作為世界各地的景點,最後再回歸到原始的床上。

整段MV內容透過Stop Motion的表現方式演繹,及一般黏土動畫的製作方式:一個動作一個動作地單幅拍攝,最後再一次順序播放而產生動畫效果。



Her Morning Elegance

Sun been down for days            
A pretty flower in a vase                
A slipper by the fireplace              
A cello lying in its case                    
Soon she's down the stairs            
Her morning elegance she wears     
The sound of water makes her dream 
Awoken by a cloud of steam               
She pours a daydream in a cup       
A spoon of sugar sweetens up           
And She fights for her life                  
As she puts on her coat               
And she fights for her life on the train
She looks at the rain                     
As it pours                                          
And she fights for her life                   
As she goes in a store                 
With a thought she has caught  
By a thread
She pays for the bread                   
And She goes...                               
Nobody knows                                   
Sun been down for days                      
A winter melody she plays                   
The thunder makes her contemplate
She hears a noise behind the gate 
Perhaps a letter with a dove               
Perhaps a stranger she could love      
And She fights for her life                    
As she puts on her coat                  
And she fights for her life on the train
She looks at the rain                        
As it pours                                        
And she fights for her life                 
As she goes in a store                        
With a thought she has caught   
By a thread
She pays for the bread                      
And She goes...                            
Nobody knows                                   
And She fights for her life                    
As she puts on her coat                   
And she fights for her life on the train
She looks at the rain                        
As it pours                                      
And she fights for her life                 
Where people are pleasently strange
And counting the change                 
And She goes...                               
Nobody knows      


那天跟某包在噗浪裡提到以前有夢遊的習慣,也許當時的我也正在「世界」裡翱翔吧? Tags:

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